Sunday, January 25, 2009

Creed 5 Months

First of all, let me apologize for not taking a Creed - 4 month picture. Needless to say, his 4 month birthday fell on Christmas, and, well, we were a little busy.

This month Creed has enjoyed finding his feet. Ever since he's found them, he has not let them go. It is quite an obsession. As you can see, it was difficult trying to take a picture with Elmo as he was much more interested in his toes. Also, he does not miss a meal. Even through the night! Our sweet little boy still gets up twice a night. UUUGGGHHH....sorry, that was from Mom. Anyway, we are going to meet with the doctor at his 6 month appointment and see when he can start crying it fun!
Creed - 5 Months
Happy Creed in the front yard.
Yipppeee...I found my feet!

He also endured a double ear infection this month. We have him on a strong antibiotic as he "kicks" the infection. Poor baby!


Anonymous said...

I want to see Jonah and Carson at five months too! Was Jonah bald too? I remember Carson's dome (he and Jack had that in common). Even though we see you all the time, I still love to see your blog updated. Thank your mom for me.

Janessa said...

Creed is the happiest baby I've ever met. He's growing so fast. Love your pics and your blog, G.