Sunday, January 25, 2009

Creed's First Meal

OK, so the doctor suggested that we try feeding Creed cereal to "hold him over" throughout the night, and keep him from waking up to eat so many times. Well, it didn't go over so well (see pics below). I don't know what to say, he just HATES food! We tried over a course of 5 days, and nothing worked. We are going to try again on his 6 month birthday...we'll see!
Here goes nothing!

Ummm...I don't think so!

Are you kidding me?!?!

Enough already Mom!

Creed 5 Months

First of all, let me apologize for not taking a Creed - 4 month picture. Needless to say, his 4 month birthday fell on Christmas, and, well, we were a little busy.

This month Creed has enjoyed finding his feet. Ever since he's found them, he has not let them go. It is quite an obsession. As you can see, it was difficult trying to take a picture with Elmo as he was much more interested in his toes. Also, he does not miss a meal. Even through the night! Our sweet little boy still gets up twice a night. UUUGGGHHH....sorry, that was from Mom. Anyway, we are going to meet with the doctor at his 6 month appointment and see when he can start crying it fun!
Creed - 5 Months
Happy Creed in the front yard.
Yipppeee...I found my feet!

He also endured a double ear infection this month. We have him on a strong antibiotic as he "kicks" the infection. Poor baby!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Cotton Bowl 2009

Aunt T was a saving grace. She came over to our house and watched ALL 3 BOYS while Rusty and I joined friends at the Cotton Bowl. It was a terrible game, but we had a blast! We actually got SUNBURNED, on January 2nd no less. It was HOT! Eventhough Tech didn't pull through, we enjoyed spending time with friends.

Erin and Ginger before the game

Kappa Sigs Rusty, Sky and Steve

DHS to TTU, Kyle Craig, Kent Craig, me, Michael Rinehart, and Mitzi Clark

TTU Sweethearts!

BFF - Rusty and Sky